Improving Your Digestive Health

May 18, 2015

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important, and the same thing goes for your digestive health. Poor digestive health can lead to many complications, from short term gastroenteritis to colon cancer,

However, there are some simple ways to ensure that your digestive system is as healthy as possible. At the London Gastroenterology Centre, we are specialists in digestive health, and here we will show you some simple changes you can make to your lifestyle in order to improve your general well being.


Hydration is not only very important for your general health and well being, it can also play a huge part in your digestive health. Not drinking enough water slows down your digestion significantly, resulting in irregular bowel movements and, in some cases, abdominal pain.

Ensure that you drink plenty of water, as well as other fluids, throughout the day. Making sure you stay hydrated is particularly important if you are suffering from diarrhoea, vomiting or a combination of these symptoms, as is common with those suffering from gastroenteritis.

Physical Activity

Keeping active with an appropriate exercise regime will speed up your digestion by increasing blood flow to your organs. This will stimulate the muscles in the GI tract, which will help your organs to work more efficiently when working to break down and digest food. Regular exercise can also tone the walls of your colon, which will help to improve your digestive health in the long run.

You should try to aim to do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. You can experiment with a variety of different methods to see what works best for you, but it is advised that you begin by doing exercise of low to medium intensity, such as walking, cycling and swimming.

More Fibre

Fibre is absolutely essential for a healthy digestive system, as it slows down digestion and absorption of glucose. This allows the energy to be released into your bloodstream gradually, allowing your blood sugar to remain even and prevent ‘sugar highs’.

Fibre will also improve your bowel movements by making them more regular and softening your stools. Without enough fibre in your diet, you will find you suffer from increased flatulence and severe constipation, and the symptoms of any existing digestive conditions you may have could become worse. It has also been widely suggested that increasing your fibre intake could reduce your risk of developing colon cancer.

Meal Sizes and Times

Although we are used to having two to three larger meals through the day, it is actually better for your digestive health to eat smaller meals more regularly. This allows your digestive system to break down food more consistently and prevent indigestion and acid reflux, as well as being far better for conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

It is also better to take your time as you eat your meal, rather than rushing to finish. It takes the body quite a while to tell the brain when you’ve had enough food, and if you have eaten quickly the feeling of being full will be more delayed. It can also cause indigestion as well as worsen the symptoms of digestive disorders.

Regular Check-Ups

Particularly if you suffer from digestive issues or a condition like IBS, it is important that you visit your GP and specialist on a regular basis so that you can monitor your condition and see if there are any methods you can use to improve your symptoms.

These methods may include changes to your diet, medication or surgery, and by visiting a specialist you can feel confident that you are receiving the best advice possible.

At The London Gastroenterology Centre, we specialise in treating a variety of digestive issues, from acid reflux to colon cancer. Whether you want advice on your nutrition or you require a colonoscopy in London, we can help you. For more information, contact us today by calling 020 7183 7965.

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